J. Michael Keane
Shareholder & Managing Officer
Area of practice: Business & Real Estate Law, Business Litigation, Employment & Labor Law, Land Use
Download Biohttps://ghrlawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/JMK-bio-web-08132024.pdfI strive to give clients practical and timely advice to guide them through difficult legal issues.
Most opportunities are impacted by rights and obligations under the law. By modeling potential scenarios and likely outcomes, I help clients choose the best course for their future.
Education & Admissions:
St. Louis University School of Law, J.D.
Truman State University, B.A., History
Colorado State Bar, 2004
Oregon State Bar, 2013
Professional Distinctions, Affiliations & Experience:
American Bar Association
Marion County Bar Association
Colorado Special District Association (former member)
Colorado Municipal League (former member)
Denver Bar Association
Garrett Hemann Robertson, P.C. Managing Officer, 2020–present
Willamette Valley Inn of Court