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Family Law Blog

Am I entitled to receive Social Security benefits from my spouse after divorce?

As part of their post-divorce financial planning, clients often ask whether they can receive a portion of their spouse’s Social Security payments. Answer:  Yes, if you meet the requirements.  The best part is that it doesn’t impact your spouse’s Social Security in any way. Keep in mind that you can’t get your spouse’s Social Security in […]

Child Support: How is it calculated?

In Oregon, child support is calculated using the Oregon Uniform Child Support Guidelines.  Attorneys, Judges, and parents who are trying to agree on a child support figure all calculate it the same way, using the Child Support Calculator located on the Oregon Department of Justice website.  In order to run a child support calculation, you […]

Patient Protection and Affordable Care: Will it Help or Hurt?

As of this writing, a government shutdown is imminent as the Senate and House face off over whether to fund the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”).  It is hard to know what Obamacare will look like in the coming months and years, but it’s still worth checking out the Federal government’s website here.  […]

Premarital Agreements (Part 2): Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Right.

In Part 1, we discussed what premarital agreements are any why they are important. Next, we will address how to effectively draft and execute an enforceable agreement. What can a premarital agreement do for me? A properly drafted premarital agreement is a small, initial investment that can produce long-term results by easing the fear of […]

Premarital Agreements (Part 1)

Worth a look? Anyone who has been through a divorce, or knows someone who has, understands that it can be a drawn-out, expensive and painful process.  Typical divorce clients have entangled their finances in ways that make separation and division difficult, especially when two soon-to-be-former spouses find themselves at odds with each other emotionally. As […]


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